Wednesday, December 29, 2010

After chrissie events

Well christmas is over for another year and I am back at work..No rest for the wicked.We had a lovely christmas spent at #1 daughters home with all my children and grandchildren there.It is kind of very busy with 6 children all wanting different attention...Our family tradition is to have our hot meal on Christmas Eve so then on Christmas Day the females are not in the kitchen all day cooking..We have our cold meals on Christmas day and normally as all the other Aussies know our christmas is hot but this year it has been very different weather wise.And as we watch the news each day my heart goes out to all in the UK and Americas/Canada as you have all had from what we have heard a snowed in Christmas..Id love to hear some stories and as I start going thru my blog reading I guess I will read some..
We are planning on having a white christmas next year.Hubby and I are planning on doing the world trip in 4 weeks next year to get a taste of a white christmas...
Now on the sewing front.  Not much to report.I did get my 4th block done on "Love Notes" and 4 flowers planted into my garden for One Flower Wednesday.
My 4 more flowers have been planted in my garden...
Now with the new year fast approching I will have to get back into all my block sewing...I really am looking forward to Januarys swaps...
Im hopeing everyone that reads my blog have had a safe week..With so much going on in the world being safe is our main priorty these days.
Until next time tata...

Friday, December 24, 2010


........................MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPIER NEW YEAR TO ALL IN BLOGLAND..............................

As christmas time is here and everyone is getting ready for visitors or getting ready to pack up and join their loved one I am sending out all my wishes that you all have a very safe and happy time....
See you in the New Year with lots to share on the stitching front and New Year cheers..

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

second week of One flower Wednesday

Well as you can see I couldnt just stop at one this week...I started with the pink one and it was so addictive I had to keep going..I am going to add black boarders all round and make a single bed size quilt out of my Flower Garden...I just love this idea.....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Goodness helppppppppppppp

Now I have been mucking around with this damn computer and somehow have added another address after my blog name..Can someone please help me get it of..I am so computer stupid and hate bothering anyone but I feel stupid not knowing how to get it off.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

This weeks doings...

Hi,well the week started with getting ready with the lollies for christmas.My mum and two daughters came over on Monday and we started to create the lolly for the tree one for me...

I decided to do all my grandchildren a christmas stocking and this is the results of the applique so far...

Santas for the boys

And Angels for the girls...

My eldest grandson is 10 so I will do him something different...Its been lots of fun so far ....I just love doing applique...As you can see in the backgraound..NOT MUCH HOUSEWORK THIS DAY

And last of all the only BOM I have done anywork on this week is the 3rd for my "Love Notes"

A beautiful horseshoe is the 3rd block

Well its my 2nd granddaughters 1st birthday today..So party time tonight..Its Saturday morning 6.24 and Im off to work...This working weekend really isnt good for family life....I' ll have mose to post soon..Just now fair well..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November swaps on their way

Well I finially received my new sewing machine and after having my older one going so slow I am finding it so hard to kepp up with the speed on the new one..Oh it is sure a delight to have a decent machine...I got two of my swaps completed and they are on their way to Heather and Alex...I did enjoy making them and I will be much happier when I can line all the points up in the right places..I am very new to the patchwork side of things as I have always done applique..Hope you receive them both soon and like them...I guess like everyone else there is always that like fear that the receiver wont like their block...
Camillas finished Love Notes

Home is where the heart is  4th block just about finished  but I hand dyed some lace flowers and made it a little more mine..

It does look alot nicer in life than on this photo..

# 4 and 5 grandchildren at their pops 52nd birthday last weekend..

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lots to catch up on...

Well I haven't logged for a few weeks..With health problems first then computer issues and working so much my blogging just got left..Each day I would say I need to get on the puter but the days are going so fast I cant keep up...I guess everyone has the same problem...I have attempted a few things and added a blog entry just before this one...
I have received my second block of my "Love Notes"and have all but finished..Just have to add the boarders now...
I have also had a few trials with my swap blocks..I am convinced that I need to go and buy a new machine and have done some research and have ordered a machine that I will pick up next week..I just cant get a good finish with my old machine...
For the ladies I owe block to this month bare with me and I will get them to you asap...

While I was away last weekend re cooping,  we came across markets where I bought a couple of lovely Christmas starts....
While I was talking to the kind lady that made them she was telling me it was cheaper to order materials from the USA...Much better quality and nicer fabric...Does anyone know of any places in the States that I could order some from....????
I hope all of the bloggers that read mine are well and I look forward to catching up on my blog reading tonight...
tata for now...

Time to catch long last...

Update on "Calling All Angels"
I have appliqued most of the blocks and added alot of the faces...
I have cut out all the 3"squares that boarder all the blocks and have added to some but haven't taken photos as yet.

 These next few photos are of a show I attended a few weekends ago in a town up the road from home..I just love this cream crazy quilt and just have to have one...It is absolutely gorgeous and so much detail..I hope it can been seen in the photo...I have started to do my own in 6 1/2"squares..This will be a project that I will do over a few years as it will take alot of collecting...

 The quilt below is all puffs with sequences in the middle...An absolute delight to look at..I am not sure of the artist and I didn't realise I was not suppose to take photos until after hubby had taken them...

There were also a number of tea cosies  or this one would be a coffee pot cosie..Just wonderful...

Now for afternoon tea...anyone for iced vovos...Are these just wonderful or what....????

Monday, October 18, 2010

I will have some time tomorrow

Goodness  what a busy weekend.Thank you to all who have offered help with me getting this computer stuff organised...I followed Helens directions but ran out of time and just havent had any real time to be able to muck around trying to fix it..I have so many great  photos to share and I will do that tomorrow after work.. So stay tuned...
Until then tata...
Quilting Block Swap - Australia

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I have not gone far....

Well it certainly has been a very long week this week but not with sewing.I got the phone call at 3.36am Monday morning to say my daughter was in labour.She lives at least 30 mins from me so dressed and of I go.Picked her up and headed to the hospital which was another 30 mins on..Her partner followed behind.It sure was a long day as Reily wasn't born until 4.42pm..It was a difficult birth and a panic towards the end but I was so proud of her and her sisters..They were all involved and great for each other as I was a tad of a mess seeing her in so much pain.The father opted out of cutting the cord but brave nan just did it.That was the 5th one of my grandchildrens births.I wasn't invited to my 3rd grandsons as his mother wanted her family there. Anyway all is well and they are leaving the hospital today for home...God bless you all and I prayer for a happy life for the three of you.
Now on the sewing front..I joined the Australian Christmas swap and my first partner was Linda from Stray Stitches.(sorry I don't know how yet to put your blog name so it comes up so people can check it out..
In fact I need some help with how to do that and also how to add buttons of things I join..Can someone please help me with that....  Anyway I have completed that 12 1/2" square for Linda and I have pieced together a fair lot of my "Calling All Angels"which I will photograph tomorrow...
I have been working as it has been my hectic week but I have a 4 day weekend as of after today's shift...There is a few things going on in the mountains this weekend...I have a All things wool and lace show at the Academy in the next town and also a garage sale advertising lots of vintage fabrics and craft magazines. Well as my husband says  Oh your need some more of will never have enough...
I am waiting for my second BOM from Love Notes...A month seems so long to wait for a block to arrive..I might have to crank it up to 2 blocks a month... There is also a doll and bear fair in Sydney on Sunday that i never miss.
Must sign off and see if I can get some photos downloaded..It is 1.34am and I'm trying to be quiet.I have a big problem with sleeping so I creep out and turn the puter on and try to make myself sleepy again.It works some mornings...
Take care all...
Introducing Riley Mark born 4.42am 11/10/10    Weighing 6lb 5oz  44 cms long and head 33cms round...Welcome to our family little man....
Caiden checking his new cousin out...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

how time flies

 The ugly but cute angel I found in an op shop while out shopping  Some one had spent a long time making her and she found her way to the op shop and I bought her for $1.00..great bargin ...

 The second block of "Calling all angels"   they dont have any heads but I will add them this week...
Two of the 10 sawtooth star blocks..I havent made them before but they are looking nice..I have about 6 made now and will add them in my Friday post tommorrow....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh who needs cameras...MEEEEEEEEEEE

Well after trying to download this weeks efforts I have run out of time for trying to get the camera working..
I havent done much on the sewing front as I worked all last weekend but did manage to get four Sawtooth squares done for my Calling all Angels quilt and also the right hand side block of the cain of angels..Slowly coming together....
I took a photo of a lovely little butt ugly angel I found in an op shop last week...Amazing what you find in op shops and also amazing how their prices have increased..I use to pick up a magazine for 20cents now they are $1.00..for a good cause thou so I shouldnt complain...
I will add photos when I get the camera working..
The weather has been beatiful with spring so very much here.We have a long weekend this coming weekend for Labour day and I am hopefully going to get the winter garden into a spring garden.Winter in the mountains seems to last a long long time with all kinds of weeding raising their horribe little heads...
I have also done the side panel for Love notes and looking forward to getting block 2 next week...then again a photo to follow...

Monday, September 20, 2010

My forgotten pics... from yesterday..

Caiden Charles...........................Shower Tea present for new grandson due in 5 1/2 weeks...Reily Mark.....

I NEED HELP.......

I need someones help PLEASE..I have tried for ages over the weekend to get the   "The blogs I follow" column up on my page..I and seem to find the right way about adding it..Can someone please help me with this, I would really appreicate it...
Over the weekend I didnt get much sewing done as I worked Saturday but yesterday I managed to get the teddy bear blanket finished for my 3rd daughters "Baby shower tea" which we had lots of fun at..
She is due in 5 1/2 weeks and having a baby boy..This will be my 6th grandbaby and my 4th grandson..His name will be Reily Mark..
I did manage to snap a pic of my 4th grandbaby yesterday while I was giving him a swing..His name is Caiden Charles and he was 1 at the end of August..A cutie pie.He lives with me as his father (My son) has custody of him....
Today Im off to the local hospital which is about 40 mins drive, to take my daughter for a drs appointment and I will call into a wonderful Patchwork shop while Im down the mountain..Never know what I might find.
I will this afternoon get the boarder done for my "Love notes" and also another block of "calling all angels"..Well this is my hopes for today...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Off the track for a moment.....

Its been a sad day today.I work in a nursing home and see lots of people passing away but a very special lady passed away while I was at work today..She was a gentle soul and 90 years young..The most aware 90 year old that I have met and so alert but nearly 3 weeks ago she had 2 strokes and came back to the home not the same person...very unaware of everything that was going on...with a decline that she would of been so sad to see herself in...May you rest in peace Jean and thank you for all our talks and all your caring...I will miss you

Friday, September 17, 2010

Years of UFOs stashed....

What a beauitful day in the mountains today..I just love Fridays that are nice in the spring.(Friday being my day off from work.During the week I came across three UFO quilts that I started years ago.The first is one that I started when my eldest daughter was a couple of months old, she is now nearly 27.It was my first attempt in a class I went to..Its a single bed one with 8 blocks..Just lovely.
The second is a hexagon flower in smoky pink and cream..It is finished but I never got to the outside boarder.It would be double bed size.
The third is one that I did within the last 8 years but I tried to put on too thick a wadding and never changed it so it became my third UFO...I ask ...... who else out there has  UFOs or do I have a mental problem..LOL..
The main problem is that I dont know how to finish them and have said for years that I need to go to a class to get them finished..I will..I promise myself that its just getting the time.
Now for my updates on the projects I am working on at the moment...
"Love Notes"    well I finished all the blanket stitching around the first block..Getting materials ready for the boarder for that..
"Calling all Angels"   blanket stitched all the two angels in the top block, just have to add the "I beleive in Angels" star in between their hands and that will be done.
Then the panic Baby blanket for my youngest daughters baby shower that is this Sunday.. So it was started and I have finished the blanket stitching around the bear..I have to add the stars and a little glass or something under him and then I will put on the back and edge it ready for Sunday..
So that is a run down on my week ..Back to work tommorrow and roll on Monday..I dont work Mondays or Fridays so between housework and my sewing it isnt hard to pick my favourite job of the day...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Starting on something I just love

Hello,I came across a beauitful quilt while looking in an oldish magazine. It is called Love Notes by Judy Gray.Of course when I saw it I just had to have it so quick on the net and find received the first block on Friday and just couldnt wait to get it started.I am very impatient when it comes to things like waiting..