Friday, November 5, 2010

Lots to catch up on...

Well I haven't logged for a few weeks..With health problems first then computer issues and working so much my blogging just got left..Each day I would say I need to get on the puter but the days are going so fast I cant keep up...I guess everyone has the same problem...I have attempted a few things and added a blog entry just before this one...
I have received my second block of my "Love Notes"and have all but finished..Just have to add the boarders now...
I have also had a few trials with my swap blocks..I am convinced that I need to go and buy a new machine and have done some research and have ordered a machine that I will pick up next week..I just cant get a good finish with my old machine...
For the ladies I owe block to this month bare with me and I will get them to you asap...

While I was away last weekend re cooping,  we came across markets where I bought a couple of lovely Christmas starts....
While I was talking to the kind lady that made them she was telling me it was cheaper to order materials from the USA...Much better quality and nicer fabric...Does anyone know of any places in the States that I could order some from....????
I hope all of the bloggers that read mine are well and I look forward to catching up on my blog reading tonight...
tata for now...


  1. Aaahhaaaa!! I was wondering where our pet kookaburra gets to on his days off!! We have one who visits like clockwork and another who comes about every second day. One is very smart and the other just sits there and opens her mouth! (yes, notice I said "her" mouth - she looks like a "she" anyway!)

    Oh yes, getting ready for Christmas! I've discovered the joy of internet shopping, especially books and toys... love that they get delivered to my door and I haven't had to find a park, battle the throngs of people and walk miles around a mall!! Too easy :-)

    So, which brand of machine have we bought????

    Happy Sewing!

  2. Try checking out They have good quality fabric but I don't know what the shipping would be.
    What kind of sewing machine are you getting?

  3. I have also used connectingthreads and they have a good website you could look at.

  4. love the kookaburra - what a cutie
    hope you are feeling much better
