Well christmas is over for another year and I am back at work..No rest for the wicked.We had a lovely christmas spent at #1 daughters home with all my children and grandchildren there.It is kind of very busy with 6 children all wanting different attention...Our family tradition is to have our hot meal on Christmas Eve so then on Christmas Day the females are not in the kitchen all day cooking..We have our cold meals on Christmas day and normally as all the other Aussies know our christmas is hot but this year it has been very different weather wise.And as we watch the news each day my heart goes out to all in the UK and Americas/Canada as you have all had from what we have heard a snowed in Christmas..Id love to hear some stories and as I start going thru my blog reading I guess I will read some..
We are planning on having a white christmas next year.Hubby and I are planning on doing the world trip in 4 weeks next year to get a taste of a white christmas...
Now on the sewing front. Not much to report.I did get my 4th block done on "Love Notes" and 4 flowers planted into my garden for One Flower Wednesday.
My 4 more flowers have been planted in my garden...
Now with the new year fast approching I will have to get back into all my block sewing...I really am looking forward to Januarys swaps...
Im hopeing everyone that reads my blog have had a safe week..With so much going on in the world being safe is our main priorty these days.
Until next time tata...