Monday, May 23, 2011


Hello all in Blogland, Im havent fallen of the side of the world or been eaten by Aliens..I have just been offline and had lots of family issues which has kept me from Blogging..I just spent half hour typing and posting photos and in one push of the wrong button I lost the entire post..I am hopeless when it comes to the computer.
I have to say a big thank you to Cheryll of "Gone Stitchin" for her wonderful "Pay it Forward" gift she sent me..I am unable to download any photos due to this stupid computer..I will need to try again tommorrow..

And another lady I need to say a big big thank you to is Alicia Bisel from Okeene in Oklahoma in the USA for her April Block.She not only sent me her block but she also sent me all the remaining materials from the block.Since then I have managed to make 12 block in Crazy patchwork with the remaining material...Again I dont seem to be able to get this computer to download photos.
Please ladies dont think that I have forgotten you and my thanks have come late but being offline for a couple of weeks has been hard...
Hopefully this has worked and the photos have uploaded.
Also a big thanks to Bobbie Bartlett of QLD for her May block
I am hopeing to be able to keep up with my blogs now..All althought time has passed I will try and post all my block in due cause..
tata for now